From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat ssrint.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype (*tuple *) finfun bigop (*fingroup perm*).
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg (*zmodp matrix mxalgebra poly (* polydiv *)
mxpoly. *).
From mathcomp Require Import finset.
(*From mathcomp Require Import algC.*)
Require Import Lia.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics .
(*Require Import Friendship.adj2_matrix.*)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
(*Import GroupScope.*)
Import GRing.Theory.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
From mathcomp Require Import tuple seq.
Section bigops.
Lära mig finset ?
Predikat för positiv och negativ rot.
Vill visa att SUMMAN av alla rötter
Local Open Scope set_scope.
Lemma big_bool [R: ringType] [S : Type]
[I : seq S] (a : pred S) (F : bool -> R):
\sum_(i <- I) F (a i) =
((F true) *+ (count a I)) +
((F false) *+ (count (negb \o a) I)).
elim: I => [| x I indH]. {
rewrite big_nil //=; sauto.
} {
rewrite big_cons {}indH.
set ax := (a x); have axx : (a x) = ax by [].
move: axx.
case: ax => axx; rewrite //= axx //= add0n mulrS addrA. {
by [].
} {
by rewrite [in RHS] addrA; rewrite [in X in X + (_ *+ _)]addrC.
End bigops.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype (*tuple *) finfun bigop (*fingroup perm*).
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg (*zmodp matrix mxalgebra poly (* polydiv *)
mxpoly. *).
From mathcomp Require Import finset.
(*From mathcomp Require Import algC.*)
Require Import Lia.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics .
(*Require Import Friendship.adj2_matrix.*)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
(*Import GroupScope.*)
Import GRing.Theory.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
From mathcomp Require Import tuple seq.
Section bigops.
Lära mig finset ?
Predikat för positiv och negativ rot.
Vill visa att SUMMAN av alla rötter
Local Open Scope set_scope.
Lemma big_bool [R: ringType] [S : Type]
[I : seq S] (a : pred S) (F : bool -> R):
\sum_(i <- I) F (a i) =
((F true) *+ (count a I)) +
((F false) *+ (count (negb \o a) I)).
elim: I => [| x I indH]. {
rewrite big_nil //=; sauto.
} {
rewrite big_cons {}indH.
set ax := (a x); have axx : (a x) = ax by [].
move: axx.
case: ax => axx; rewrite //= axx //= add0n mulrS addrA. {
by [].
} {
by rewrite [in RHS] addrA; rewrite [in X in X + (_ *+ _)]addrC.
End bigops.