From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Require Import Friendship.combinatorics.
Require Import Friendship.statement_reduction.
(* Longer version *)
Theorem Friendship'
(T: finType) (T_nonempty: [set: T] != set0)
(F (* friendship relation *): rel T) (Fsym: symmetric F) (Firr: irreflexive F)
(Co: T -> T -> T) (Col: forall u v : T, u != v -> F u (Co u v))
(Cor: forall u v : T, u != v -> F v (Co u v))
(CoUnique: forall u v w : T, u != v -> F u w -> F v w -> w = Co u v):
{u : T | forall v : T, u != v -> F u v}.
apply: exists_hub_sig; try by [].
exact Col.
exact Cor.
exact CoUnique.
(* Shorter version *)
Theorem Friendship
(T: finType) (T_nonempty: [set: T] != set0)
(F (* friendship relation *): rel T) (Fsym: symmetric F) (Firr: irreflexive F) :
(* u!= v have exactly 1 common friend *)
(forall (u v: T), u != v -> #|[set w | F u w & F v w]| == 1) ->
{u : T | forall v : T, u != v -> F u v}.
move => co_set.
apply: Friendship'; try by [].
exact (Col T_nonempty co_set).
exact (Cor T_nonempty co_set).
exact (CoUnique T_nonempty co_set).
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Require Import Friendship.combinatorics.
Require Import Friendship.statement_reduction.
(* Longer version *)
Theorem Friendship'
(T: finType) (T_nonempty: [set: T] != set0)
(F (* friendship relation *): rel T) (Fsym: symmetric F) (Firr: irreflexive F)
(Co: T -> T -> T) (Col: forall u v : T, u != v -> F u (Co u v))
(Cor: forall u v : T, u != v -> F v (Co u v))
(CoUnique: forall u v w : T, u != v -> F u w -> F v w -> w = Co u v):
{u : T | forall v : T, u != v -> F u v}.
apply: exists_hub_sig; try by [].
exact Col.
exact Cor.
exact CoUnique.
(* Shorter version *)
Theorem Friendship
(T: finType) (T_nonempty: [set: T] != set0)
(F (* friendship relation *): rel T) (Fsym: symmetric F) (Firr: irreflexive F) :
(* u!= v have exactly 1 common friend *)
(forall (u v: T), u != v -> #|[set w | F u w & F v w]| == 1) ->
{u : T | forall v : T, u != v -> F u v}.
move => co_set.
apply: Friendship'; try by [].
exact (Col T_nonempty co_set).
exact (Cor T_nonempty co_set).
exact (CoUnique T_nonempty co_set).